Monday, September 21, 2009

Cancelling Your 3 Mobile Broadband Contract

This is impossible to do without incurring the cost of paying out your entire contract. Save yourself the heart ache, stress and frustration arguing for a refund. Just pay your monthly bill and arrange for termination a month or so before your contract ends. Do what ever you have to so that you do not pay for another month past your end of contract. It is better to check earlier than later. Just putting your 3 mobile broadband modem away is going to save you a lot of time and stress, it is worth it doing it this way. Perhaps make enquireies with the communications ombudsmen regarding proceedings against three mobile australia, which is really Hutchinson's. Kepp a diary of slow response and calls to the customer care centre and a record of each time the connection drops out and other problems, it may be more trouble than it is worth. Just realize you have been scammed, taken for a ride by three mobile broadband Australia. WITH THE SLOW RESPONSE AND SUB BROADBAND OR SHOULD I SAY DIAL UP SPEED, YOU ARE NOT GETTING WHAT YOU HAVE PAID FOR. Perhaps it is written in the contract that they can supply you with substandard speed. Just remeber, it does say BROADBAND and you have not been getting what you paid for. If you have a special rate or monthly discount, the discount may not apply to each month in a cancellation pay out.

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